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Steamer Perogies

Updated: Aug 30, 2019

One way to get a comfort food meal on the table faster!

Perogies in minutes!


Perogies & Bacon in 15-20 mins in the Epicure Steamer, with no greasy cook-top. Seriously!

Daughter is sick, wanted comfort food. Mom to the rescue!

1/2 lb Bacon & 14 perogies ready in minutes! #steamermagic

Cut bacon into small slices. None of that slow nonsense. Cut all slices at once with a butcher knife.

Place in bottom of Epicure Multi-Purpose steamer. Add tray. Dump in frozen perogies. Put lid on tight. Steam 7-9 mins.

When perogies are steamed to your liking remove them from your steamer and pan fry if you like them crispy.

Put bacon back in and cook a couple more mins to desired doneness! Or crisp them last bit in the fry pan if preferred. We made enough bacon to have some with our steamer omelets in the morning!

This was served less than 20 mins after starting! NOTE, I always steam my perogies this way, usually over water. If you’re not cooking bacon at the same it’s even faster! Like under 5 mins.

Let’s save everyone some time in the kitchen.

UPDATE! Some of you are wondering how come the bacon is on the tray in one photo. Rather than using a ton of paper towel to remove the bacon grease... After I put the perogies in the fry pan to crisp them I used my spatula to move the bacon onto the tray so it the grease could drip off during the last min or two bit of cooking.

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