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Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Updated: Aug 22, 2019

We don't eat potatoes often as they're not nutrient dense although every now and then they're a treat. This is super easy and mixes up with only a couple minutes of your time.

Baked potato soup with Epicures CCB, Epicure 3 Onion and Epicure Chicken Broth
Loaded Baked potato Soup


  • 2 lbs mini Potato, skin on

  • 1 tsp Classic Epicure Chicken Broth

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 Onion, chopped into a few big chunks

  • 1 cup Milk

  • 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt

  • 2 Tbsp Classic Epicure CCB Dip Mix

  • 6 slices Bacon, Cooked and Chopped - In summer I'd use the seasonal Smokey Bacon Topper and skip the bacon!! That makes a vegetarian meal since all Epicure's Bacon is Pinto Bean Bacon!

  • 1/2 cup Cheddar

  • Pinches of Classic Epicure's 3 Onion Dip Mix


  • Put your potato, broth, water and onion in your steamer and cook approx 12 mins OR simmer on the stove.

  • Take out 6-8 potatoes, dice into small to med rough cubes and set aside.

  • Using your stick blender (or whatever) puree the remaining soup in your steamer.

  • Add remaining ingredients and diced potato, stir.

  • Scoop into bowls using your Epicure ladle and sprinkle with Epicure's 3 Onion Dip Mix.

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